Responsable del tratamiento | T4S Advance Solutions |
Dirección del responsable | Avda/ de Europa 1, edificio B, CP 28108, Alcobendas (Madrid) |
Finalidad | Sus datos serán usados para poder atender sus solicitudes y prestarle nuestros servicios. |
Publicidad | Solo le enviaremos publicidad con su autorización previa, que podrá facilitarnos mediante la casilla correspondiente establecida al efecto. |
Legitimación | Únicamente trataremos sus datos con su consentimiento previo, que podrá facilitarnos mediante la casilla correspondiente establecida al efecto. |
Destinatarios | Con carácter general, sólo el personal de nuestra entidad que esté debidamente autorizado podrá tener conocimiento de la información que le pedimos. |
Derechos | Tiene derecho a saber qué información tenemos sobre usted, corregirla y eliminarla, tal y como se explica en la información adicional disponible en nuestra página web. |
Información adicional | Más información en el apartado “SUS DATOS SEGUROS” de nuestra página web. |
T4STBai for SAP by T4S registered as TicketBAI billing guarantor software
TicketBAI (TBAI) is a project shared between the three Provincial Councils and the Basque Government that aims to establish a series of legal and technical obligations, so that, from the entry into force of TicketBAI, all natural and legal persons and unincorporated entities that carry out economic activities and are subject to the regulatory competence of the Basque Regional Treasuries for Personal Income Tax or Corporate Income Tax, in accordance with the provisions of the Economic Agreement with the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, must use invoicing software that complies with the published technical requirements.
The period for the voluntary adaptation of TicketBAI began in January 2021, and its mandatory implementation will be carried out progressively starting in April 2022 and ending on 1 January 2024, when it will be mandatory for all sectors in all provincial treasuries.
Basically, what TicketBAI requires of the guarantor software is that it links invoices by adding two new fields: a TBAI identification code and a QR code, which are electronically signed, preventing their manipulation or deletion and ensuring the authenticity, integrity, traceability and inviolability of the computer records.
The new system will enable the regional treasuries to control the income from the economic activities of taxpayers and, in particular, those activities in sectors that supply goods or services to end consumers. This same information will be used to facilitate taxpayers’ compliance with their tax obligations.
T4STBai for SAP by T4S is the software developed by T4S that allows companies whose systems are based on SAP solutions, to comply with the legal obligations established in the regulations governing the regional tax authorities for TicketBAI.
The T4S solution consists of an add-on integrated in the standard SAP eDocument Cockpit, the same monitor used in the standard solution for the SII, and a specific integration flow developed on SAP Integration Suite.
After a review process by the technical bodies of the Provincial Councils of Alava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, our product, T4STBai for SAP by T4S, has been registered as TicketBAI invoicing guarantor software in the register of the three Provincial Councils.
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